To our joy and excitement, we were informed that our daughter, Taylor Rachel had been born! Here is a little look into our journey of joy.
On July 23, I received a call from Adoption Options MB that "we had a match". Initially, I didn't understand what our worker was talking about. 7 months earlier, we had completed our adoption registration process and on December 18, had an active adoption file, which meant that birth parents could begin to view our adoption profile. With AO (Adoption Options) both the birth mother and adoptive parents complete a profile which states what sort of parent she would want for her child and our file contained all our information as well as if there were specifics about what child we would want (race, boy/girl, health issues, etc.) However, we were told not to expect to have a match for at least two years. So when I got that call, I couldn't believe we had a birth mom pick us after only 7 months. The next day, we went into Winnipeg to meet her.
Oh how nervous we were! After about an hour of getting to know each other, we were taken out into a side room while the adoption worker spoke with our birth mom and birth dad. We were then told that if they were wanting us to be their child's adoptive parents, papers would need to be signed and filed THAT day since she was due in exactly 2 weeks and those papers needed to be signed at least 2 weeks prior to the baby's birth. We were asked if we felt we would be okay with this couple as birth parents, and I remember Keith and I looking at each other and laughing. OF COURSE WE WERE!!! But truly our thoughts were, would she be okay with us??????
So right there in the office that day, we all signed the necessary papers saying that we were matched! What crazy emotions! I just remember thinking what an amazing girl this was. What a difficult decision she had to make. What love!!!!!
As her due date came and went, fear, anticipation and so many other emotions washed over us. And so finally on August 13, we got our long awaited call. We had a daughter!!!! In two days we would meet our daughter. So on August 15, we got to meet her!! If ever there was a day that I had such conflicting emotions, it was on that day. We were so filled with awe, respect and love for our birthmom. We were so filled with joy at being able to hold our daughter. But probably more than anything, my heart was breaking for Rachel. As she showed me how to change Taylor, which formula to feed her, I couldn't begin to imagine the agony she must be going through. And so that evening as we watched our daughter sleep, it was with such incredible joy, but such incredible pain for our birthmom.
It is true, I never expected this connection. And I don't believe that it is for everyone. But it is right for us - and ultimately for Taylor. Rachel has given us an incredible gift. She turned us from a couple into a family. I am so thankful for the journey we have been on these past 13 years. I am so thankful that God brought us together. I am so thankful for our precious daughter.
Happy birthday my girl. We are so proud of you. You bring us such joy!!! We love you!
Happy Birthday, Taylor! Wow, God is so awesome the way He worked this all out!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenna. I will pass it on to Taylor. Today she was telling our neighbour lady about her fourth birthday at your wedding!!! She figured it was one of her most memorable birthdays! So you can take credit for that!!!! :-) so - Happy Anniversary