It was on that day, that Keith's and my life changed forever. It was the day God gave us miracle after miracle. It was the day God chose not to take Keith home to Heaven but rather to leave him here on earth to share his story with others so that they might know the God who orchestrated all the events that day.

He was taken to the Health Sciences Center where he spent the next 6 1/2 months recovering and trying to figure out how to put his life back together - knowing he would now spend it in a wheelchair.
The next morning we waited to hear what the doctors would say. What they told us at that time was that Keith would never walk again. His back vertebrae had been so completely shattered that there was nothing left of it. They would wait for a few weeks to see what could be done to remove the intense nerve pain that he was having, although he could not feel his legs at all.
Two and a half weeks later on October 7, as reality started to settle in that he would never walk again, the doctor's decided to do surgery on his back. It was risky because his neck was not healed. Because of the risks involved, they put all the tubes etc. down his throat while he was still awake because they had to know whether or not he was loosing feeling in his upper body or feeling any pain when they turned him. By about 9:30 a nurse came out to tell me that he had indeed survived being turned over, he was now out and the doctor was beginning to operate.
Before his operation, the doctor had asked Keith what he was hoping for from the operation. We had pretty much resolved in our own minds that he would never walk again, so Keith said that the only thing he was hoping for was that he could get rid of the nerve pain in his legs that never went away. This was being caused from all the bone fragments that were lodged in his spinal chord. So that is what the doctor began to work on. For the next 7 hours, he picked every splinter of bone out of Keith's spine and when Keith came to the next day, it was the first thing he realized - he had no more intense burning from the nerve pain he had had. They also harvested a bone from his hip to create a new vertebrae to replace the one that had been shattered. Praise the Lord!!!
Over the next several months, we realize that he was starting to get a few quad muscles back, and so they fitted him with full length leg braces and taught him how to use his hips to swing his legs forward to take a few steps. It wasn't really functional for any length of time, but it did allow him to be upright and see the world from a different perspective than from his wheelchair.
Over the next year or so, Keith started to get more and more muscles back to the point that he is now able to walk with the use of canes, and braces that go under his feet to just below his knees. What an incredible gift!!! Being able to walk and even climb stairs. You have no idea how restricted you are until you cannot get out of a wheelchair.
So today, 21 years later, we celebrate all the miracles that God has done for us. It has not been an easy road. And there are days where it is still difficult for him. Seeing someone skating. Or skiing. Or biking. Running. . . these are all things that he used to love dearly, but can no longer do. However, we are both acutely aware that God has blessed us with 21 bonus years. 21 years that could so easily have been different.
So today, I choose to look back with joy. With thanksgiving. With praise to God for all the miracles he has done in Keith's life. The story that I have written here, is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the amazing little things that God worked out. Oh how we have been blessed!!! So today I thank God above all else for giving me these extra bonus years with Keith. I truly am blessed to have him in my life. He is my miracle - every day!!!