Saturday, 12 April 2014

Put to the test

Well. . . . as you may or may not have noticed, it's been a while since I have written anything.  First of all, it was because we were on holidays for our spring break, but truthfully, my heart has not been in it.  My heart has pretty much been beaten up.

Truth be told, I've been put to the test several times in the last couple of weeks, and failed miserably.  And am now struggling with those feelings of inadequacy.  Why should I even write since I am a complete failure? What do I have to say to others when I have failed so badly at the things that God has allowed, or perhaps even put in my way?  Time after time, I failed.  Time after time, I lost it and gave in to those negative, ungodly reactions.  Time after time, I have reacted in anger and frustration, rather than acting in love and patience.

UGH.  Even thinking about it makes me shake my head.

Yesterday's devotion was this:

To find Joy in this day, you must live within it's boundaries.  I knew what I was doing when I divided time into 24 hour segments.  I understand human frailty, and i know that you can bear the weight of only one day at a time.  Do not worry about tomorrow or get stuck in the past. There is abundant Life in My Presence today.  Phil. 3:13-14 (Sarah Young)

Well, I have spent enough time being angry, and frustrated and focusing on the negative.  (TRUE - I do hate computers today!!!!)

So I will walk away and strive to focus on the joy today.  Praying that the anger and frustration of this day, will fade away and I will be able to focus on the day that God is bringing about for me tomorrow.  A day to rest in His presence.  A day to go to His house.  A day to share with the little kids about the joys of Easter.

Isn't that what is more important than a computer that doesn't work?  Than the internet that stops working?  Jesus Christ died.  And then He rose.  I will focus on that. . . and pray for joy in the morning.  No!!!  Pray for joy right now.  God direct my heart to the joy I find in YOU!!!