GOOD MORNING!!!! Hope your day is off to a roaring start! :-)
Generally, I try to go with the label of meatless Mondays. Don't always remember, but that is often what I try to go with as I think about my menus for the week.
Yesterday was one of those days where the day got away from me (working hard on getting the kitchen finished - of course pictures will follow hopefully later this week) but even during the weekend a recipe for Quick and Easy Calzones was sitting on the back burner of my brain. So, since it was already 5:00 and the kitchen was still in disarray with black grout EVERYWHERE!, I remembered my calzone recipe but forgot about meatless Monday.
I grabbed the recipe from my binder, looked at it and decided it was indeed a quick make for Monday. And it was a keeper!!! It called for chopped cooked meat so I decided to quickly boil up 2 chicken breasts and shred them. (QUICK TIP: Boil chicken breasts for about 10 minutes until cooked through. Cut into 4 or 5 small pieces and put them in your Kitchen Aid Mixer. With the paddle inserted, "whip" them for 2 or 3 minutes on medium speed and VOILA - perfectly shredded chicken!!!) You could use any meat that you had on hand or even cut up pieces of pepperoni would work I am sure. The recipe makes 6 but they are quite large so I am sure you could reduce the size of the dough and make 8 instead.
Here is the recipe. Quick and easy and OH SO YUMMY!!!!
Fast and Easy Calzones
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp oil (I used olive oil)
1 cup warm water
1 Tbsp yeast
½ tsp garlic salt
3 cups flour
1 cup ricotta cheese
1 cup mozzarella cheese
1 cup of cooked meat
fresh or died herbs to taste (I mixed in
some fresh basil)
4 Tbsp Olive Oil
6 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
marinara or pizza sauce to serve with
Preheat oven to 475 degrees.
In a bowl, combine the honey, oil, water,
yeast, and garlic salt together. Then mix in the flour. Once mixed knead the
dough for a minute or two.
Divide dough into 6 easy pieces. Roll each
ball out into an 8 inch circle using extra flour if needed.
In a bowl, combine the ricotta, mozzarella,
meat, and herbs.
Take ½ cup of filling and place on half of
each rolled out 8 inch round of dough.
Fold other half of dough over each round
and seal seams.
Dust cookie sheet with corn meal and place
calzones on cookie sheet.
Brush tops of calzones with olive oil and
sprinkle each with 1 Tbsp of the Parmesan cheese.
Bake at 475 for 10 to 12 minutes until
golden. Allow to set for 5 minutes before serving. Serve with marinara or pizza
sauce for dipping. Serves 6.