I'm sure you've all heard it: If you have nothing good to say, don't say it. I was reminded of that saying several times over the last couple of weeks.
But before I get into that, I'll also share a sad story that got me thinking about that very thing - not that the story itself had anything to do with not speaking, but it was the analogy that got me thinking.
On the weekend, a home that belonged to a family of four burned down with the family only being able to make it out with the clothes on their backs. The news says that pretty much the entire home and all the belongs were not salvageable. All because of a little ember that started the fire and the high winds that we had on that day just fanned the flames, engulfing the home. According to the news the family had little time to get out because the wind had whipped up the fire before they really could do anything.
In thinking about what that one little ember did, I found myself thinking about my words and how they are embers. One little ember. One tiny comment. One small retort. One sarcastic response. Dropped. Without thinking. Without even pausing to think of the effect it is having where it falls. Sometimes I'm a volcano spewing out embers recklessly. Most times, it's small embers that I don't even notice as they drop. And what happens? Those embers smolder. Those embers break out in flames. Those embers cause raging infernos where they've been dropped. Devastating effects can come from careless embers dropped from my lips. Add to that a wind that fans those flames, others dropping careless embers where my original ember fell and it turns into a devastating situation.

I look at the picture of this home and see it fully engulfed in flames and wonder: am I causing such destruction with my words? The things that come out of my mouth. . . is this the end result that I have caused? It made me shudder thinking of the what this family will have to go through, but even more it made me shudder to think of what my words have done. The destruction my words have caused. The agony, the pain - maybe for a moment - but possibly for a lifetime - that my words have caused others.
And it's not just my words. Sometimes it's my "NON" words! Sometimes those things unsaid are worse than the things I actually DID say! The scathing looks can speak volumes. The glares. The times I've not acknowledged a job well done. The times I've not said thank you. All those things. . . embers dropping down. And this is what is coming from me. How can that be? If the Holy Spirit is living in me, love, compassion, gentleness, joy, patience - that's what should be coming from me. Those fruits of the spirit. WHERE ARE THEY???? I've let Satan get a hold of my mouth - an that's where those embers stem from.

Most times when I've dropped embers, I haven't given any thought to the end result. And when I saw that burning inferno, I was reminded that there ARE consequences from my words. While it might start out as a small ember dropped thoughtlessly, I have no way of knowing what kinds of winds will surround the person on whom my ember has fallen. I have no way of stopping the damage that the wind will whip up. All because of my selfishness. All because I didn't let the Holy Spirits fruit flow out of me.
My prayer today is that we will be reminded that every word - every non-word that comes from our mouth has results. What will they be? Will it be a devastating inferno that destroys? Or will those words be uplifting, encouraging, drawing others to see what God wants me to pour out onto others.
I will end with a quote I saw online: