Saturday, 23 March 2013

Still Saturday

How can a day that is completely empty already be so filled in my head?

Saturday.  A day for doing nothing, right?  A day off?  A day to relax? 

NO NO NO!  Saturday . . . . a day to get all the things done that I should have gotten done this past week but didn't.  A day to cram in as many things on my to do list that I can - and to make sure my entire clan HELPS me get them done too! 

So tell me this:  WHY ARE THEY STILL SLEEPING??????  Don't they know that I have a list for each of them to complete?  IT'S HUGE and if they don't get up very quickly, it will not all get done.

Hmmmm and then this:   Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10  

BE STILL.  I can't!  There's too much to do!  BE STILL!  I can't sit here. . . I must get started. . . . BE STILL!  How do I do that.  EXALT ME  It's that simple? There's got to be more!  EXALT ME  That's it. . . that's all I have to do?

Today I will strive to make this a day of exaltation.  Not a day of demands, and expectations.   But a day of being still and exalting my Saviour!



Friday, 22 March 2013

Slow motion

Progress is slow. . . .

For a number of reasons.

Stomach flu has hit our house, or more specifically ME! UGH!  I do not do well being sick, but alas, I think it IS finally running it's course.

Renovations are slow too.  I have painted everything and the rooms are ready to go, but the cabinets are a slow process.  It's coming.  Don't get me wrong - I am very pleased.  I just sometimes forget that Keith DOES have a job that he has to go to 8 hours and day, and he has been SO good at working on these renos every day after work.

March 22:  We are presently without water in the kitchen.  The upper cabinets are all up, although the microwave has yet to be installed.  Friends of ours came over this past Monday and KG is a skilled cabinet installer.  Their family brought us over supper, drinks and dessert, and by the time we left, we had 3 cabinets in and Keith was so much more educated about this reno!!   The lower cabinets are SLOWLY getting put in, but of course these have to go in and around pipes etc. so it is taking more time than we'd like.  But rather have it done correctly than to have to go back and redo and have wrong cuts/holes etc.  I am SO THANKFUL that I have a husband who can do this work, and that is a perfectionist.  Sometimes it drives me crazy but usually I am benefit from great work because of it!

In a few days I will post some new pictures, but for now, I think I'd better get back to assembling some more cabinets.  Next week is spring break and we are all home so hopefully we'll have something to show for the days we can work on it all day! 

Have a wonderful weekend!!!