Monday, 21 April 2014

He's Risen. . . now what?

It's Monday. . . the day after Easter. . . the day after Christ rose from the dead.  The day after life forever changed.

And now what? ? SO what? Today as I told the story of the two walking to Emmaus I was struck by how life didn't seem to have changed for them.  They were still sad.  Jesus was not real to them.  Rumors of His resurrection had been only that to them - rumors.  Nothing real.  Nothing tangible.  Just the terrible sadness.  The feeling of being let down.  Betrayed.

And then. . .  just like that. . . He was there.  He was in the middle of them - breaking bread.  Changing their lives forever.  Causing them to believe.  Imagine their shock!  Imagine their sheer joy when they realized that their beloved Savior was indeed ALIVE.  Oh how that simple fact changed their lives.  They raced back to Jerusalem.  Shrieking the news to whoever would listen.  They had experienced Him.  They had encountered Jesus!!!!

I wonder this Monday after Easter how our lives have changed.  This day after the Resurrection.  The day when forever history was altered.  How am I different?  How has His Resurrection altered MY life?  Lent is over.  He is Risen. . . but so what?  What difference does that make to me?  How has my life changed because He is ALIVE?

I think sometimes I go about life living it as though that weren't the case.  I do not mean to be sacrilegious.  But really.  Sometimes I go about my life as though Christ dying and rising from the grave for my sins makes no difference.  Some days it does.  Some days I'm really aware of what Christ did for me.  For all the things He died for in my life.  But then Monday comes around. . . and what. . . life takes over and I forget.  I focus on the wrong things.  I focus on today, instead of "yesterday" - Easter.  I forget that the fact that JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE should be an EVERY day life changing concept.  It should alter how I go about every single day of my life.

So He's risen. . . Now what?   How is my day going to be changed by that one thought?  How am I going to change my day because of that very thought????  It had BETTER change my day - because His resurrection changed HISTORY!!!!  and I am a part of that history.  I am a part of the reason that Jesus willingly died and carried my sins.  He's Risen. . . what am I going to do with that????  What are you?

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