Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Part Time Server: Days and Evenings

A few weeks ago, I was noticing the recent ads that had been placed on our city's local online advertising site.  One of the most recent was a posting for a part time server.  Now I have never worked in the restaurant business, nor have I had any desire to do so.  It terrifies me even thinking about it. I could just imagine messing up orders, dropping food off of serving platters, or worse yet, pouring hot coffee on someone.  So an ad like "Part time Server" sends fear through my bones!

As I trembled at the thought of being a part time server, it caused me to think of what kind of server am I. In John 12:26 Jesus says this:  Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.  

I started to think about what kind of a servant I am for God.  Am I a part time servant, or a full time one?  I will admit, there are many days I don't even feel like being a servant at all!  Other days, I start out planning on being a full time servant, and something or other causes me to fall flat on my face.  But it's Satan's trap that I so easily fall into - focusing on me rather than others.  

God didn't call me to be a part time server.  God called me to be a fully committed, every day, every moment, no matter how I feel FULL TIME SERVER! And when I think, really stop and think about all that Christ did for me, I can only shake my head at myself and think REALLY????  Jesus Christ WILLINGLY came down to earth as a BABY, a helpless tiny baby, all the while knowing that His sole purpose was to grow up and die on the cross, betrayed by the very ones who called Him Jesus!  I shake my head at Judas and think "what a betrayal!"  And yet, is that not what I am doing when I choose to focus on me and only be a part time server?  Jesus said "My Father will honor the one who serves me."  He didn't say His Father will honor the one who sometimes serves me.  It is a full time position.  Not a "whenever I want to" thing.  It's going all in and being 100% committed.  Jesus came to earth and was 100% committed.  He knew that the end He was wholly committed to our salvation by giving up His life.  THAT was 100% commitment!  There's no part way about that.  That's going all in.

So what am I going to do?  Am I going to serve and be "all in" or am I going to sit on the fence and do what I want?  Am I going to serve my Lord part time, or am I going to commit FULL TIME!

God, help me to focus my eyes on you and to give my service to you full time.  Help me to put my selfish desires away and give of myself to you 100%. Help me to be a Full time server, and not just a part time server.

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