The cool water we found just down the road sure felt good on our hot, tired, achy feet! |
One of the best vacations we have ever taken was 2 years ago when we went to South Dakota. Other than going to North Dakota to go shopping, or driving through 3 states to get to Ontario, our kids had never been anywhere in the United States. My husband had loved the Badlands when he had gone as a child, so he planned our vacation to South Dakota. Since we were staying in Rapid City and were so close to Wyoming, we thought we might as well head there to add another state to the places our children had been. So, in sweltering temperatures, we decided to take a day trip to Devils Tower. The van was air-conditioned after all. We thought it would be fun to see it, and do some driving around in the area.
And off we went, without really thinking about where we were headed. After all, we had never been there, and had no idea what was in store for us. Once we arrived, we decided to walk around and check out the walking trails in the area. We realized that there was a path that could take us all around Devil's Tower. The kids were all in, so off we started, cameras in hand - - - and one water bottle - - - and flip flops on our feet. They would have a nice walking path all around, right? About an hour into our adventure, we realized that we were NOT prepared for such a walk. The dilemma came as to whether or not we should turn around, or keep on forging ahead. It was nearly impossible to determine if we were 1/2 way around or what. So we kept on. At times the trail was quite steep and flip flops were not quite the right foot gear, and at times the path went down quite steep, where flip flops were also not the right foot gear!!! Thankfully there were several rest areas and look outs that allowed us to stop and rest at times, but alas, the water was long gone!
Finally, when we thought it would NEVER end, we saw a sign up ahead. THANKFULLY we were nearing the end. Our son ran up ahead and came back almost in tears to announce that we were only at the half way point!!!! As you can imagine it took quite some convincing to get our kids up off the bench to begin the 2nd half of our journey. Surprisingly the last half didn't seem to take that long. (Isn't it funny when you are going somewhere unfamiliar, it seems to take twice as long as it does to return home?!?!?) By the time we reached the parking lot where the van was parked, we were all irritable and ready for some cold water and a nice air-conditioned van!
Needless to say, we definitely learned our lesson. RESEARCH!!! BE PREPARED!!! PLAN FOR ANYTHING!!! (and don't wear flip flops on a hike around Devil's Tower!!!)
As I've thought about that trip (with regards to planning THIS year's holiday!!!!), I have thought about what I do in my Christian walk. At our supper time devotions, we have been talking with the kids about being a witness to those around us. In our daughter's youth, they've been encouraged to befriend someone who isn't a Christian and encourage them to come out to youth. As we've talked about sharing with others we've also talked about how to be prepared for sharing our faith. What kind of answers could they give their friends when questioned about their faith. Do they believe it just because we have taught them things, or do they believe it and understand it for themselves. We have been encouraging them to be sure they are prepared for some of those hard questions.
In discussing that, I've also begun thinking about eternity. Am I prepared for eternity? Would I be ready to face Jesus Christ if He returned right now? What would I have to say to Him? What have I done to please Him? What have I done that I would be ashamed of? Am I prepared to meet my Saviour? Sadly, I look at my life and see so many areas that I am not. YES, I know that I am a Christian. There's no doubt about that in my mind. However, how am I showing my love for Christ? Am I doing the things that He has called me to do? Is my "house" set in order for when He comes back? I think of all the missed opportunities of caring for others. I think of all the missed opportunities to share with others what I believe. I think of all the times I have walked away from a situation when I should have stayed with it. I think of all the times I have let my Saviour down. I think of how focused I am on myself instead of what Christ's wants for me.
I do look forward to the day that Christ returns, but I definitely need to be more "prepared" than I am now. In Colossians 2 it reads, 6 And now just as you trusted Christ to save you, trust him, too, for each day’s problems; live in vital union with him. 7 Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done. (Hmmmm thinking this might be a good section for next week's memory verses. . . . we'll see. . . ) My life should be overflowing with joy and thanksgiving. My life should be so full and evident of Christ. My roots should be grown down deep, drawing my nourishment from Him!!! I should be GROWING in the Lord. I should show a life that is strong and vigorous in God's truth. Oh how woefully short of that I am. When I look at myself in the mirror, do I see a reflection of Jesus??? When others look at me, do they see Jesus?
Let's get prepared for Christ's return. Let's do all He has called us to do. Let's share His love, His message, His imminent return with others! Let's live so that when others look at us they see Jesus. Let's be prepared for Him so when He does return He will say: "Way to go Sharon. You made me proud!!!" Wouldn't that just be incredible to hear that???? WOW!
Do They See Jesus In Me? (by Joy Williams)
Is the face that I see in the mirror
the one I want others to see
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
The love that You've given to me
My heart's desire is to be like You
In all that I do, all I am
Do they see Jesus In Me
Do they recognize Your face
Do I communicate Your love, and Your grace
Do I reflect who You are
In the way I choose to be
Do they see Jesus In Me
It's amazing that you'd ever use me
But use me the way You will
Help me to hold out a heart of
compassionate grace
A heart that You're spirit fills
May I show forgiveness and mercy
The same way You've shown it to me
Now I want to show all the world who You are
The reason I live and breathe
So You'll be the One that they see
When they see me
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