I did not know that this day existed - National Day of Encouragement. Wow. Can you imagine if everyone in the world focused on encouraging the people they all came in contact with today? What a joy filled nation we would have.

I personally have had SO many people randomly encourage me and they have often had no clue how much it had impacted me. They didn't know what I was struggling with right at that moment, but they said or did something that changed my moment - my day. We so often go around wrapped up in our own little worlds and forget to look at others. Really look at them. Really hear them. We get busy. We get occupied. But we forget those around us. We forget to take time to look into their eyes and see their hearts.
On the other hand, we sometimes don't forget to speak to people, but what is said is far from encouraging. It might be a "joke" thrown someone's way that was not really a joke, but more of a jab said with a laugh. Joking, yet the truth was all too close. Sarcasm is another aspect that we do in jest, but can completely break an already fragile heart. We might think it was funny, but the person to whom you have just said it too may be struggling with the very thing you are making fun of.
And isn't it true that all too often we can see the negative in others rather than the positive? We can see what wasn't done, or what was done poorly, rather than all the good that the person has done. I know for myself, I struggle with this one - especially with my family. Keith may have done everything right all week long, but when the garbage doesn't get taken to the curb in time for the truck to pick it up, that's all I can see. (Don't worry, he got the garbage out this morning LONG before I was even up! ☺) For my kids too. So often I see the one negative thing rather than the positive things that have been happening all day. It is so easy to focus on the things we don't like, rather than taking that step back and seeing all the good that has been done. My kids have even called me on it. "I was just trying to do something good." Oh how that comment has cut to the quick. All I saw was the mess when in fact, they were just trying to do something good.
So today - on this National Day of Encouragement - let's start a trend of calling out the good, rather than the negative. How can you encourage someone today? Who can you tell something good to, rather than the negative that so easily comes instead? Can we retrain ourselves to look for the good in others? I believe we can. In fact, I believe we have been called to do that!!! Check out this verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:11:
"Therefore encourage one another and edify (strengthen and build up) one another, just as you are doing."
We are told to strengthen and build each other up. How often we tear people down - especially those close to us - without even batting an eye. Without even thinking what it would do to their very souls. For my kids and husband, I know their lives are filled with enough difficulty that I don't need to be adding to that by tearing them down.
So today - let's strive to encourage one another. God has called us to it. Let's search out that person(s) that we know are struggling and lift them up. Let's encourage those around us. Let's treat them the way that Jesus would treat them. The way we would want to be treated in that exact situation. Let's make this a true National Day of Encouragement. And let's not stop there. Let's become a group of encouragers by showing God's love to them. . . ALL OF THE TIME!!!!
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