(BTW - men, these are words that are just as important for you as they are for us women and I challenge you to take a peak at the devotionals as well!!!)
To access their website you may click here: IF:Equip
Without giving away all that they have shared, I wanted to share one of the tidbits that I got from listening to these women discuss the book of Acts.
I was listening to the women as they discussed Acts 1:6-11 and the verse that stuck out to me was verse 8.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
They were sharing about how Jesus told us that we are to BE His witnesses. God has given us the power to BE witnesses. It's not necessarily something we have to do, but rather what we have to BE. Ironically for me, it's so much easier to use words. I want to tell people. But we are called to BE witnesses. In so many ways, it's easier to use words because you can say something, but the actual acting out of those words is a completely different story. God has called me to BE a witness.
And what is a witness. A witness is someone who has experienced something. And if you look at the passage we have all been given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are to BE a witness of Him. He needs to be flowing out of every part of our daily lives so that we are BEING a witness for Him. Not just our words. But our BEING. AND we get to truly experience that indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And how do we do that - by experiencing Him. Drawing close to Him. Spending time in prayer and reading Scripture. Drawing on Him so that we can BE that witness He has called us to be. That we can experience Him and that experience will flow out of our lives to BE the witness He has called us to be.
The other (NOT SO LITTLE) thought I had was when I was reading verse 8 as well. It talks about being a witness is Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. I know I was always taught that those places for us would be the same as saying at home, to those you come in contact with daily, and those far away. So starting right at home and being a witness from there - working out.
Oh how difficult that is for me. First of all I have to shut my mouth and just BE that witness, but that witness must start right here at home. With my children. With my husband. OH how difficult that can be!!! But if we cannot be that witness to those we are in contact with every day, then who can we be a genuine witness to? If we are BEING a witness - not just saying words - then it will be easy to start being that witness right here at home. Because rather than it be something we have to work at, it will be something that just oozes out of us. Just by going about our daily routine, we will be BEING that witness. At home, at work, at the grocery store.
The job description that God has given us to do is to just BE. Be His witness. Wherever we are. At any given moment. BE. Be God's witness. Experience Him so that we can be that person that others see and they see the Holy Spirit flowing out of us. Because we are BEING His witness.
This is great, Sharon: I've heard about that "IF" project but had never checked it out. Your reference to BE vs. DO fits perfectly with our pastor's sermon this past Sunday: he preached on 1 Corinthians 13 and how we need to focus not on doing the right things, but on becoming the right person.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jeannie. It's so easy to get focused out the output rather than what's happening inside. I have to remind myself of that with my kids too. Even if their actions aren't necessarily where I'd like to see them at, it's their hearts that are the most important - and then actions flow out of that. But like I said easier said than done. . . (BTW - still working on the other post too! ;-) )