What I DID find, what the Shopping Channel!!! Now for any of you who hate to go out, The Shopping Channel could be where you find all your deals. . . . or spend all your money. I have to say. . . I don't spend too much money here, but when I have laid down some dollars, it has been worth it!!! NOPE!!!! this is not a Shopping Channel infomercial!
But yesterday. . . I saw the most amazing thing: THE EUROSTEAM IRON. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!! Seriously!!!!! For those of you who have husbands who have oodles and oodles of dress shirts to be pressed, or if you have mountains of dress clothes that need to be neat and tidy. . . . let me tell you
THIS PUPPY HERE?!?!?!? IS ALL YOU NEED!!! Okay, so technically I haven't tried it.
Oh, did I say that out loud?!?!? LOL Seriously, though, the mountains of dress shirts that I have to iron is sometimes overwhelming.
{okay. . . admission time - if I would only iron them as they became available in my laundry pile, it would not be a mountain. however, i hate ironing. . . so as you can imagine. . . they get left. and not only are they my husband's clothes, but my daughters, and . . . . get this. . . . my son has now decided he likes the "button up cowboy shirts" WHICH ALSO NEED TO BE IRONED!!!! and oh yes. . . i recall a recent post that I said I prayed for my family as I did laundry. . . . Oops WHEN THE LAUNDRY HAMPER's FULL BUT THE HEART IT EMPTY}
OK, sorry for that outburst!!!
Anyway, this iron seemed like the answer to all my problems AND. . . . . there were SIX EASY PAYS!!!!! Okay, so after my initial freak out - truly this was amazing!!!! I decided that I needed to do the right thing, and wait. . . . wait. . . breathe. . . until Keith got home. . . .
ALAS. . . . . . . ............................. by the time Keith got home: I FORGOT ABOUT MY IRON!!!!
So today. . . i checked, and of course, it was no longer on sale. If I wanted it, I had to pay full price. . . . I had to pay shipping. . . . and it . . . . was. . . .. just . . . . too much money.
I MISSED IT!!! I MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME!!!! Ok, okay, not so much, but I missed out on a $75.00 savings!!! I MISSED THAT PERFECT OPPORTUNITY!!!
Alright. . . so truth is. . . it was probably the right decision. It likely was a "too good to be true" deal {and yet, the things i have purchased through the shopping channel. . . . . . . . . }
So, i know. . . not a major missed opportunity right? I AGREE!!! (and okay, truthfully it wasn't quite that dramatic but when I found out the deal didn't continue on through the weekend it WAS disappointing - because I REALLY DO HATE IRONING!!!!!!!!!) And truthfully, there are no repercussions because I didn't buy that steam iron.
HOWEVER. . . . how many other opportunities have I let slip by that I didn't take notice of. How many times did I talk about me, instead of listening to someone else? (I will be honest when you go through stuff, you need to talk. . . but what I forgot, was I also needed to LISTEN!) How many times did I see someone in need, but kept walking by.
A few weeks ago, at the Preschool where I teach, we talked about the story of the good Samaritan. (Luke 10:30-37) I went home and asked my kids this question: If you saw someone on the floor of your school that was hurt, what would you do? They both admitted, unless it was someone they knew, they likely would have walked around, looked, but not done a thing. Both said they would tell their teachers that someone was "down" (WHEW!!!) but that was about it. When asked why, both of them admitted a couple of things: 1. they didn't know who the kids was 2. they weren't sure if the kid would want their help, so they would walk away. 3. They didn't want to get in trouble if someone saw them talking to the kid on the floor; 4. they didn't want to get in trouble for being "late".
Upon hearing these things, I wondered about my response. I wondered what I would do if I came upon someone in need. I'm not sure my responses would be any different. Yes, the situation would be different, but in comparison, my reaction would truthfully be the same.

I started to think about how (oh sad soul. . . ) self absorbed I am, and it is humiliating. For all I WANT to be, what I am is woefully inadequate. I have missed so many opportunities. To BE MORE. To help more. To listen more. To sit more. To care more. To pray more. . . . TO BE MORE.
Oh, the missed opportunities. Don't get me wrong, I'm not begging for ANYONE to say - Oh but you did this for me. NO NO NO. I have done good things. I AM trying. But oh how I have failed in so many ways.
Right now. . . in my "joy journal" (#437- PAUSE!!!) I am taking a time out to list how, for this week, I am going to use what might have been the "missed opportunities. I'm going to look for the OPPORTUNITIES that I can BE MORE. I am going to try to not walk away. I am going to try to go beyond my day to day routine and BE MORE!
Will you join me? Will you look beyond your day, and find something - someone - somehow - that you can be more? I'd love to hear your journey.
I'll share my more - will you share your more???? Oh how I would love to hear how God is using YOU to be more!!!!!
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