Thursday, 11 April 2013

MISSING: Motivation

For some reason, this week has been painfully long.  Not sure.  Started out Monday with having to go into my dermatologist and finding out I have 4 more skin cancer spots that need to be removed.  I thought that I'd get another 6 month all clear, but alas such is not the case.  I AM thankful that I have such a great doctor who is SO careful to check each mark out and takes great care in removing each one before it turns into all out melanoma!! 

So since then, I've been blah.  Just unmotivated, tired, slow and just blah.  (Yes, I DO think that should be a word in the dictionary!)  Efforts to pick myself up and go just are not working.  The kitchen is hardly progressing (well, PAINFULLY slow!) and along with feeling like spring is never gonna get here, I just feel like sitting here and doing nothing.

Ever get that feeling?  What do YOU do to pull yourself out of it?

So here's what I'll share with you today. 

Our pastor at EEFC is Terry Kaufman and both Keith and I really enjoy his speaking.  He shared some really great things on Sunday that I quickly jotted down during the service.  While TODAY I'm not struggling with doubt, there are definitely times when I am.  On a variety of levels.   So I'll share what he said:

"Doubts do not equal:  1. us rejecting God 2.  God rejecting us 3. us rejecting each other"

"Jesus is waiting to meet you RIGHT NOW just where you are - not after you've figured it out "

So when in doubt, go to God!

Have a great day and hopefully I'll find my motivation today!  :-)

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