Tuesday, 31 December 2019

2020 - Moving Forward. . .

And here it is. . . the winding down of an old year.  The saying good-bye to the past.  To 2019.  Most years I’ve been excited to say good-bye to the old.  And in some respects, I am this year too.

The New Year represents a clean slate.  A new start.  The hope for better days.  And that’s always why I have anticipated a new year.

This year, it comes with mixed emotions.  2019 and was a tough year in so many ways, but a great year as well.  We got to celebrate Taylor’s graduation.  She got her driver’s license.  Peyton turned 15 and moved on to bigger and more exciting job opportunities through the summer.  I taught my largest group of students ever – 60!  Keith started at a different position at the credit union and won a trip which brought us to Las Vegas & Los Angeles. We made changes to the inside of our home. We saw God answer so many prayers in ways we didn’t believe possible.

But. . . .

. . . we also experienced some deep losses and watch some family members walk through the deepest darkest losses imaginable.  We experienced how God has sustained us and them through these losses.  We experienced the love, prayer and thoughtful gifts from friends who have carried us through these deaths and difficult times.

And so 2020 is bittersweet.  2020 will be the first whole year without Jonny, Dad (Keith’s) and Neil.  2020 will be an entire year without those pieces of our hearts here on earth.  2020 will be an entire year without them.  But it also comes with the knowledge that with each passing day, we are one day closer to seeing them, and joining them in the presence of Jesus.  2020 is hard to imagine without them.  It’s hard to imagine family adjusting to life without their son/their brother.  Their Dad.  Her husband.  But just like we’ve gotten through the last three months, I know God will sustain us.  I know God will be there through the grief and through the sunshine.

I don’t know what 2020 holds for you or for me.  But I know the God who holds 2020!  I know that God is eagerly waiting for each one of us to come to know Him.  I pray for my family members that aren’t following God.  I pray that 2020 will be the year they are drawn to Him.  I pray that 2020 will be the year we are all brave enough to share Jesus with others.  That we can conquer the fears that stop us from sharing the Truth.  As I think about the loves we lost this year, I cannot help but be grateful for the knowledge that the 3 people God took from our families are all with Him.  I know that didn’t need to be the case.  I know we have family members who wouldn’t have walked with Jesus.  So, my prayer for each and every one of us is that this becomes the year that we get brave enough to speak Jesus to those around us.  That our family members (and friends) that don’t know Jesus as their Saviour will look at us and be drawn to Him.  That they will hear our words, and see our actions and say, “I want to follow THAT Jesus!”  When I think about my family that doesn’t know Jesus, it can send me into fear and anxiety knowing that if it had been them that died this year, they wouldn’t be spending eternity with Jesus.  But I also know that Jesus took those to Himself that were ready. And that they are waiting there for me when I get there.

So, I wish you joy, peace and a sense of God’s presence and direction as you head into 2020.  May you seek a deeper relationship with Him that causes you to be closer to Him than ever before.

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Be Jesus

One of the things that I have been struck with this year is the acute awareness of how each of us are carrying our own burdens.  And I don’t mean that in a negative sense, as in we are all alone carrying these burdens.  What I mean is that pretty much all of us face each day with a smile of sorts on our faces, and most of the rest of the world doesn’t have a clue about the struggles going on in our hearts.

We try to hide the pain.  We try to push it away, so it doesn’t show on the outside.  We keep it tight to ourselves so that the outside world doesn’t have a clue what we are going through.  Sometimes we fail.  Sometimes we lose it just a little.  But for the most part, we tend to bury our emotions, and no one would be the wiser. . .unless we take the time to dig into others. 

I was struck by this thought again especially this fall after losing 3 of our family members within 6 weeks.  One of my piano parents had made the comment that they couldn’t believe that I could still teach piano after dealing with these deaths.  What she didn’t know is that I was in the middle of a piano lesson and had to finish out my day after I found out that my brother-in-law went to be with Jesus.  Not sure how I did it.  The day I found out that my father-in-law had died (which was the day after I found out that my nephew had been killed in a car accident) I had to right away go into teaching 12 students.  We move on.  We compartmentalize and do what needs to be done.

And so, having done that these past few months, I’ve realized that so many people are walking around doing the same thing.  So many people are walking around shrouded in pain that we don’t see etched on their faces, but if we were to dig – even just a tiny little bit – more than likely we’d find out about some of the struggles they are facing.  Not all the struggles are “big” like a death.  I can tell you that more than likely most of the struggles wouldn’t be that life changing, but they are BIG to the person walking that road.  It might be a family member not following Jesus and the agony that brings.  It might be a defiant child that causes upheaval in the family.  It might be the day to day dealings of a child with needs or special health issues.  It might be a marriage that is falling apart at the seams.  But we each go forward.  We put on the “life is fine” face and move through our days. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying it’s wrong to do that.  We need to do that in order to function each day.  But what I was reminded of this year again, was that so often we meet people and they look like they are fine, but their hearts are broken.  Tears may be right there.  Agony may be lurking right around the corner. 

And we have the opportunity to help.  We have the opportunity to heal.  I can tell you that a mere text from someone telling me that they prayed for me that day has brought me to tears so many times.  A small gesture like a plate of muffins or cookies can soften the most difficult moments.  And truthfully a hug from a friend can ease a lot of pain and agony during life’s difficult moments. 

One of my biggest pleasures in teaching piano is to see a student come into a lesson and realize that life is tough for this little one, but that I have the opportunity to change that.  It might not be “adult level” tough, but whatever the case, their face tells a story of a struggle.  And I love to make it my mission to turn those sad faces into smiles.  It doesn’t always work.  But I LOVE to work hard to send them out of my studio smiling.  I generally don’t know what the issue has been, and I also know it sometimes is the fact that “they have to” be at piano.  I remember having one student come for lessons and I could see life had been tough.  The first few songs were evidence that his heart was not here.  Tears were close.  And so, I said “let’s forget about playing today”.  Let’s do something that has nothing to do with practicing, scales or work.  And then the tears came.  I put my arm around him and told him piano was not important today and that he shouldn’t even give it a thought.  I pulled out some of my games (okay, so they were piano related. . .) and we spent the rest of the lesson forgetting the pain and just healing and releasing at least for those moments from whatever it was that plagued him. He left the studio smiling and laughing and at least for a moment, a little lighter. Other times, I’ve had the opportunity to pray with students who share difficult things with me.  These are times and moments that I cherish.  Those are the moments that I think “THIS is why I teach piano.”  I love helping my students make music, but even more, I am thankful when I can put a song in their hearts instead.

Image result for heart on your sleeve"I know as adults we don’t always wear our emotions on our sleeves that way, so finding out how someone is doing can be more difficult.  But it is possible.  And as we move into this new year, I encourage each one of you to join me on this journey of taking the time for others.  Take the time to check out how others are feeling.  Take time to smile at a cashier even though they might not be.  We do not know what they are going through.  We don’t know the storms they are facing even though they are holding their head up high.  Let’s take the time to consider others.  Be patient. But even more, try to find out what is troubling them.  Try to offer them love.  Try to be Jesus to each person you encounter.  Because you never know what sort of agony, or heartbreak that person is facing at that very moment.  You never know, how your gift of Jesus’ love, could be the very thing that saves them. 

The song that follows is not my style of music, but it does speak very clearly the message I think we all need to hear and follow.

So I encourage you:  Be Jesus to Someone Today

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Dear Neil

Dear Neil,

First and fore most I need to say, that I cannot believe you are gone, and I miss you so much.

When you were here in August, I was, and am so thankful for the time we had with you. . . . BUT. . . WOW. . . .you were a great actor! Let me explain. . . . I know Wendy saw right through those times of pain and anguish, but I want to say thank you to you for giving our family a wonderful time.  Thank you for pushing through the pain and sharing your heart with us.  I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, you were giving us a gift no one could ever give us by fighting the pain in your body, to give us YOU.  Thank you for pouring into Taylor & Peyton and showing Jesus to them.  You have touched them so much through that visit. They will never forget those moments!

Thank you for the time you put up with me taking pictures of you and Wendy.  Being able to capture your love together was an incredible gift for me, and I will always treasure those moments at K.R. Barkman Park.  I know you were in pain.  And I know it was tough to try to smile through the pain and to give us the gift of the pictures, but I want you to know how much I treasure them right now, and how honored I feel that you let me take them.  I know being on display was not your favorite thing!

Second of all, I want to say thank you for loving my sister, and for putting up with me and the rest of us.  When you and Wendy first got together, I was cynical at best.  I had grown up with so many spiritual misconceptions, but I remember so clearly being at Red Rock and getting Wendy’s call asking me what I would think if you and she got married.  I told her it didn’t matter what I thought, but I told her that when she married you, she had to be 100% confident that you were the one for her and that she would never question whether God was blessing your marriage.  She told me she was 100% sure that you were the one for her, and for me? That’s all it took.  YOU WERE HER GUY!  So, thank you for loving her so faithfully all these years.

Thank you for putting up with our Langendoen-isms.  (I could say crap, but really, is that a nice thing to say?  I know you’d sit there with a bit of a smirk on your face – or a snorting laugh - and say nothing right now - but boy would that mind be a’whirlin!!!) But you put up with us.  You loved us. Because Wendy loved us.  I am so thankful for all those precious moments you gave to Wendy, and for all those moments you added to our family.

Neil, you weren’t perfect - (none of us are . . .despite the fact that us Langendoen's seem to think we are. . . . ) But YOU were perfect for WENDY for 26 years.  And I am so sad that she doesn’t have you in person anymore.  That we don’t have you anymore.

I have this picture of you sitting up there in Heaven with Keith’s dad chatting it up about the going’s on in the life of Langendoens.  And comparing notes from what you both knew.  I think about Jonny sitting there, correcting you both telling you the way it “really” was.  I can’t believe the three of you are together.  But I am glad.  I’m glad you are all there together.   I never would have thought that we would go from not having anyone close to us die, to having 3 of you there together in the matter of 6 weeks.  It’s so crazy.  I don’t know why God chose to take the 3 of you so close together.  But I do know it gives me so much comfort knowing you are all together with Jesus.

I cannot wait to be there with you.  Neil, please, please give Jonny a huge hug from me – (he’ll be awkward, but just do it 😊 ) and for sure, tell (Keith’s) Dad how much we think of him and love and miss him.  And know that we will do our utmost to take care of Wendy, even though we are so far away.  We’ll make sure your kids do too!  I know they love her. . . not as much as you, but almost as deeply.  We are so glad that you shared them with her.  What a gift they are to her.  To us!!  We will love Jesse too, and remind him often how much you love him and what a gift he is to you.  And how much you will be waiting for all of them. . . for all of us. . . .

I get that you will know this, but we’re heading there after Christmas. We will miss you so much, being there without your person.  But not more than Wendy, and the rest of your kids/grandkids.  I am so thankful Wendy has them to love on her, and care for her, and to carry on a piece of you in them.

Neil, you took in our Langendoen family without a second thought.  And I for one, am so thankful for all you have done for us.  (You got my Dad on a FREAKING MOTORBIKE for crying out loud!!!)  I love you and miss you.  And wish you were here, but find such comfort knowing you are with Jesus - pain, cancer, worry free – worshipping the One who you loved the most.

I wish we could be at your funeral and share all our great memories with those there.  But you know our hearts.  And you know how we feel.

I know that Wendy’s saying is “I LOVE YOU NEIL WARD!” but I do too.  You are missed so incredibly much!!!

I know God said to you, “Well done, Neil Ward!!! YOU have been a good, and a faithful servant. Come!  Sit beside me!”

Good bye dear brother.  Till we see you again. . . . . .

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Bathroom Renovations

Keith and I have lived in our house for 25 years.  We love our home.  Many people have moved to bigger, more expensive homes in more affluent neighbourhoods, but we have always loved where we live.  Over the years, things have changed in every room of the house.  And now 25 years and 2 children later, we are starting that process again.  We've had to put on a new roof, new siding, update flooring, and finally this year we did some renos to our upstairs main bath.  There's only so much you can do in a small home that only has one full bath, so we did what we could.  We love it so much and were so thankful for the help we received.  Up until this point, we have not ever really splurged on anything in our home, so this bathroom deserved some pizzaz. (Little did I know what was going to happen in September that would rock our world!!!) 

Someone asked me recently to post about my bathroom renovations.  They were wondering where I got my fixtures, who did the work etc.

So here goes.  I'll post some of the before pics first, and then mid reno and then the renovated pics. 

We had an old tub that had lost most of it's enamel on the bottom (if you don't mind a filed off bottom each time you tried to bath, this was the tub for you!!), a cheap vanity, and walls that badly needed sanding and painting.

Since Keith isn't able to do this kind of work any more, we asked KP Projects in Steinbach to come and help us out.  They ripped out the tub and tub surround, installed the new plumbing, drywalled the walls, and added the little shelf in the wall.  They also installed our beautiful glass door when the rest was all finished.

Then came the tiles.  We were so grateful for Ivan Pavliy and his crew from PI Finishings.  They do amazing work.

When we removed the mirror, we discovered a hole where a medicine cabinet once resided, so we decided to leave a time capsule for the next owners whenever they decide to renovate the bathroom.


We left a family picture, candy, a card and one of my piano studio bookmarks and covered it back up with a big mirror..

We got a new vanity (Wayfair), vinyl flooring (Costco) (which we ran up the wall behind the toilet, sink and mirror), new faucets/shower head (PlumbingOnline.ca),  tub (Home Depot), tile,(AMES Tile & Stone) and a new bathmat and towels (Giant Tiger - we splurged! LOL).  The light fixture we kept from before and the industrial towel rack Keith made from pipe parts from EG Penner and wood from one of his family's graineries back in SK. He also made a door stop from the same pipe material. The hand towel rack and toilet paper holder came from Amazon. I love that when you order fixtures, if you order it from different places, but stick with the same Brand (we have Delta) if you order all the same colour - Venetian Bronze - they all are the same no matter where you order it.

So, needless to say we love our bathroom!!! 

Granted. . . . had we known then (when we put our bathroom in) what we know now, we likely wouldn't have spent the money.

BUT. . . . I have to believe. . . . GOD IS IN CONTROL. . . . and He knew what was going to go down after we put the bathroom in. 

Never have I been hanging on to the fact that God knows.  And God will PROVIDE!!!!

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

A few words from Keith

When Sharon asked if I could write a response to her blog, my first thoughts were NO WAY.  I don't have a gift of writing like she does, and what could I say after her amazing story.  The Lord had a different plan and began to soften me up.  God has taught me a lot over the last number of year.  I hope and pray I can encourage men to get freedom and victory from pornography and sex addiction by sharing my story.

To start with, I want everyone to know what an incredible wife I have.  She is the most amazing, Godly woman i know, and I am so thankful for her.  Without her relationship with God, I would not be where I am, nor would we have the marriage like we do.  The grace, mercy, forgiveness and love that she is showing me is a reflection of her giving heart and relationship with Jesus Christ.  The way she has forgiven me, is willing to trust me again, and wanted me back home, still makes me feel so thankful for her.

I also want to say how thankful I am for our amazing kids.  They were also willing to forgive me and offer a second chance.

God began the deep healing process in my life a number of years ago, the first time Sharon and I separated.  After that separation, for the first time in my life, I started to see and feel that there was hope in the battle to stay pure.  God used Sharon, along with some Godly men to help me get open about my addiction. Without that separation, I am not sure I would have realized my need to change.  I joined a men's support group and had regular sessions with a therapist.  After a few years of sobriety, I started to get over-confident and slowly stopped doing the hard work.  My lazy attitude also affected my relationship with God, Sharon & the kids.  These relationships also began to go downhill.  Once again, both were extremely patient with me.  Our men's group did a video conference call with Steve Masterson, a counselor with many years of experience in counseling men with sex addiction.  He said something which God used to start a whole new level of healing.  He said that porn is not the root of the addictive behaviour but the fruit.  God started to speak to me and show me that there was a root that was causing the addictive behaviour that He wanted to heal in my life.

Sharon encouraged me to see her former pastor Bob Bramhill who had a ministry helping people deal with pain and hurt in their lives.  I spent a week with him where God began to show me what was my root. - pain and hurt from my past that I had never dealt with.  God did some healing and I began to feel His love like I had never before.  Again, I did not keep building on that foundation and strengthening relationship in my life.  This led to destructive habits and eventually relapse.  I didn't share this with Sharon which was a big mistake.  I began to go back into myself and shut her out. I fell into a selfish attitude and let pride take over my life.  I had told Sharon and the kids the last time we had separated that if I got back into porn, our marriage would be over.  Even this was not enough to keep me pure.  I was willing to lose my family instead of staying pure!!  God had a plan to take me through a new level of healing.

Sharon was obedient and faithful to God's prompting and confronted me asking if I was back into porn.  She reminded me that the last time we had separated, I had promised her that if I ever got back into porn, I would leave.  After moving out and being at the bottom of the pit, I cried out to God for forgiveness and help.  In His love, He led me to an addictions support group at Southland Church in Steinbach called Path to Freedom.  This program has changed my life.  I started to learn and feel God's love for me again in a new and exciting way.  The program has taught me how to deal with overwhelming negative emotions in a non-destructive, non-addictive way.  God also used John & Anne Neufeld, a counseling couple, to help me grow closer to God, and start to bring Sharon and me together to talk.  And God was doing just as much healing in her life as well.  Healing from the years of pain I had caused her in our marriage. I could never have imagined that she would ever give me another chance, ever forgive me or ever trust me again.  But she did and it's an example of God's power.

God has taught me a lot through this journey.  The NUMBER ONE key to sobriety is to grow close in my relationship to Him and my family.  As I started growing closer to God, He started to teach me truths which I knew in my head, but never felt in my heart.  I had to start by surrendering to His will and learn what it meant to fear Him.  As I felt His incredible love fore me, He began to show me the lies I had been believing since I was young.  He showed me in love how to forgive the hurt of my childhood, deal with pain from my disability, learn to forgive myself for all the pain I had caused Sharon and the kids.  These are some of the roots that led me to my addiction and kept me in chains to it for almost 40 years!  Freedom and victory over addiction or destructive behaviours requires hard work and complete surrender to God's will. 

There are a lot of very good authors who give advice on battling pornography.  My favourite is Dr. Doug Weiss and his book CLEAN.  I needed to go even deeper and build a new foundation for my faith.  Three books by David G. Benner started this foundation for me: "Surrender to Love", "Desiring God's Will", and "The Gift of Being Yourself."  Reading these along with "The Shack" helped me to really see and feel God's incredible love for me in spite of all my sin.  I've also found Pastor James McDonald and his support material on his website Walk in the Word, to be very inspirational.

To maintain my sobriety, I meet weekly with my accountability partner, meet weekly with an addictions support group, put accountability software on my phone and computer (Accountable2you), spend daily regular time with God reading His work and listening to the Spirit and journaling.  Sharon bought me a joy journal and I need to regularly write the joys God has blessed me with.  Another key for me is being open & honest with Sharon and the kids.  Starting every day with prayer, submitting my weaknesses to purity to God.  The best way to strengthen our marriage is for me to continue to grow closer to God.

I just want to share with you a song that has meant so much to me over the last several months and years.  My favourite scripture verse is Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" and this song goes well with that.

If any men would like to get together and talk, I would love to help and encourage you in any way I can.  The best thing you can do for yourself is to share your struggle with someone you can trust.  If you are married, you need to be open and honest with your wife and tell her what you are dealing with.  The best support in your healing and sobriety will be your wife.  You are not alone and I would love to support you as others have done for me.  Please feel free to contact me at kmklaassen@hotmail.com 

God loves you so much.  And He is excited by the changes you will take with Him.


Sunday, 27 January 2019

Part 3 - The Final Step in our Journey From Pornography to Purity

(If you haven't read the first two parts of our journey from Pornography to Purity, please go HERE to read the beginning.)

Part III

As I listened to Keith break down in tears and admit that he had fallen back into his dark addiction, I felt a peace that I cannot explain.  I listened and asked questions and tried to process what I was hearing, but somehow, I had a peace about all of this.  I cannot explain what I felt.  Maybe it was from having gone through this so many times before this, but I truly think it was because God had prepared me for this the few nights before.  It didn’t come as a shock. 

What I didn’t know was how to proceed.  I was hurt.  I was angry.  I was broken and devastated, but I had a calm that I couldn’t explain.  Over the next several days we continued to talk about where we were at and how his sexual addiction played a huge part in that.  We talked about the promise he had made to me and the kids 6 years previous, to give up porn or move out.  We talked about what would happen next.  And we didn’t know.  I didn’t know.  And so, I ran to God.  Over and over.  Daily.  Nightly.  Moment by moment.  Our kids were devastated.  They too felt that Keith had chosen his addiction over his family.  And how was I, as their mom, being completely devastated myself, supposed to give them support and encouragement when I didn’t even know what to believe?  All I could tell them was that beyond a shadow of a doubt, I knew we would be okay.  And that God would show me what to do.
And so, I prayed.  And the more I prayed, the more I felt God telling me:  Hold Keith to the words he gave you six years ago – “If I get back into porn, I will move out.”  But I couldn’t do that!!  Could I? It went against everything I had been raised with.  It went against everything I believed.  It went against everything I wanted. And the more I prayed, the more I felt strongly that I needed to hold Keith to those words.  And, yet again, I had to follow what I felt God telling me, even though for the life of me I couldn’t understand it.  And yet. . . . I had a peace.  A peace that I couldn’t understand.  But I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, God was telling me to “LET GO. Trust Me.  Give Keith back to Me and I will be your leader, your support, your strength.”  

And, with all of us in agony, on March 20th, 2018, Keith moved out.  And this time, it wasn’t with the intent of him coming back home once he’d worked out his issues.  This was it.  This was what God was telling me, and I needed to just obey.  Like Abraham, God promised me He would provide.  I didn’t know what that looked like.  I didn’t know how that would be possible. I just knew that whatever we needed, God would provide it.  Over and over again, God gave me the picture of a goat tangled in a shrub.  Over and over God reminded me that when Abraham thought there was no way out of his predicament, God provided a sacrifice. The ram in the thicket to be the sacrifice, instead of Isaac.  I had no idea how God was going to provide, but every day I clung to the promise that He would!

And so, we started a life separate from each other.  We worked out visit schedules with the kids and financial lines were drawn and still, I felt a peace.  (For those of you who know my struggle with anxiety and panic etc., you know how big of a deal this is that I felt peace.)  I didn’t know what the end would result in, but I knew I had a peace.  And over and over, God continue to tell me to trust in Him, and to wait on Him.  

During this time, God provided for Keith in so many ways as well.  Something that I had always felt Keith had struggled with, beyond his sexual addiction, was that He had never dealt with the issue of his accident and the loss of normal use of his legs due to his spinal cord injury.  I often had felt that his anger about his accident was keeping him from moving forward.  From healing.  During the first month, God provided a home for Keith that was a bigger answer to prayer than I could ever have imagined.  He provided more than just a home for Keith to stay at – He provided the beginnings of some deep healing for Keith.  There are only two other people in this world that know what Keith went through in the initial moments when he had his accident – the tow truck driver that was involved at the time, and Rob, his boss at the camp.  No one else was there.  And I know Keith has always had a deep connection with Rob because of what they experienced together in those initial moments after he broke his neck, back and leg.  Rob was there for him when no one else was.  And miraculously, God once again provided Rob to be there for him in a way this time around as well to provide a home, and healing for Keith.  During those early days being separated from his family, Keith was able to talk with Rob about his accident and life in a way that he had never had an opportunity.  And God allowed some deep healing to begin during those days he spent with Rob.  

During this time, God also provided an addiction recovery program to open up for Keith.  Again, God’s divine intervention.  Keith & I had talked about how he needed to get professional help for his addiction because what he’d been doing previously, had obviously not worked.  And in the “nick of time”, God provided.  Keith contacted a program called Path to Freedom, and miraculously was able to get accepted into the program on the very last day they were accepting applications – the exact day that Keith had contacted the church.  Coincidence?  Not at all.  This was my “goat tangled in the shrub” that God was providing for Keith. 

As Keith & I discussed where to go now that we were separated, Keith had mentioned that he would like us to go for marriage counseling.  The truth of the matter was that we had been for marriage counseling before, and it hadn’t gone anywhere.  We hadn’t been able to make any headway, and obviously, we were still in dire straits!  I told Keith that as I was thinking about counseling and how to move forward, a name kept coming into my head of a counselor that I thought might be able to help us.  When I mentioned his name, Keith began to weep – because it was the exact person who God had brought to his mind as well.  

In the weeks after this, we began to visit this pastor couple and God used them in an incredible way to continue the healing process.  Things that Keith had buried for many years were brought to the forefront.  He was able to deal with emotional hurts that he had experienced during his younger years and forgive his Dad, which in turn allowed Keith to free up his heart in many ways.  The neglect and abandonment he’d felt from his dad all those years before had built up into anger and resentment.  And acknowledging those feelings, I could see, brought a huge freedom to Keith.  He began to realize that God was not like his dad.  God loved him unconditionally and died for him because He loved Keith so much.  And as Keith explored the pain from his past, I began to see a very different person emerge.  One I had never known.  

During the months that passed, I also saw him explore the pain of his accident and give it over to God. Unbeknownst to Keith, one of the books that Path to Freedom was using was Joni Erickson’s book JONI.  I had read this book as a teen, but Keith never had.  As he read it, he realized something. Here was a woman who had gone through a similar situation (spinal cord injury) and who had way less mobility than Keith did, and she was still praising God.  Keith started to understand how God had had His hand on him throughout his accident and began to focus on the good instead of the negative of his accident.  And more than just words.  He began to feel grateful for all he’d gone through.  Even his wheelchair.

And as the weeks turned into months, time and time again, I saw how God’s timing was divine.  A former pastor of mine had come to Manitoba to do a Marriage Seminar.  Amazingly, we found out later, that he would be able to work it out that we could come to him in Ontario for a weekend where he would do some counseling with us.  After a month spent at Rob’s home, God provided a place for Keith to room & board at with one of our pastor’s homes.  A place that became a home of healing and peace for Keith.  There were so many times that I saw God provide for me and for Keith in ways I could never have imagined.  God brought people into my life that cared for me and the kids.  God brought people to talk to Keith at just the right time.

But I also continued to have doubts.  I saw the issues that still crept up in our marriage.  I saw how I had contributed to the negative atmosphere in our home and how my pride and selfishness had created an air of negativity in so many ways.  I also saw that how I treated Keith often sent him back into those years as a little boy feeling neglected and devalued.  I saw that when I treated him in a certain way, he would retreat into a shell and cut himself off from any feeling or connection to our family.  God was opening both our eyes to see how badly we had hurt each other and how we both had contributed to the demise of our marriage. 

Over the months that passed, God continued to heal Keith and to open his eyes to who he was in God.  God continued to show him through the Path to Freedom program, what his addiction had done to himself, and to me and our children.  He continued to learn how his addiction had stopped him from having a relationship with God.  He saw how his sexual addiction had caused him to set up walls, long before he and I had ever met, that never allowed for us to have the emotional intimacy we needed to maintain a marriage.  Those walls also never allowed him to have the emotional intimacy with God either, and so my desire to have a husband that would lead our family spiritual was truthfully never possible to that point.  

As the months apart unfolded, I saw a new person emerge.  I saw a vulnerability in Keith that I had never seen before.  I saw a relationship develop with God that had NEVER been there.  I saw a passion for spiritual things that I’d never seen.  I saw him begin a spiritual journey, a walk with God that was completely new.  It was a rebirth.  An awakening that was almost weird to watch.  Something I had certainly longed for, for many years, but never thought possible.  I saw walls come down.  I saw bitterness and anger melt away as Keith leaned into Jesus to receive His healing.  I saw a man taking ownership of his past and claiming God’s victory for his future.

And like a slap in the face I realized, God had given him back to me.  Not the old Keith.  Not the man broken and bound in sin.  But a new and improved version.  A man determined to make his marriage work.  A man passionate about fixing his relationship with his children.  A man victorious over his addiction.  A man who realized that without God’s help, he could do nothing.  

And so, six months after our initial separation, I realized God had indeed provided the “ram in the thicket”.  He had provided a path for us.  God had asked me to go out in faith, not knowing what the end result would be, but He provided.  In bigger and better ways than I could ever have dreamed.  
God gave us our family back.  In a way I never dreamed possible.  I truly thought our family could no longer get back together.  But God proved that He is more powerful than any doubts I had.  I know this is not always the end result.  And I know that there may be some of you reading this feeling the pain of a marriage that did not stay together.  I am fully aware that there are many of you out there feeling that pain.  And I think the one thing I can respond to that is that while all the credit goes to God for healing our marriage?  I also know that this would NOT be possible without Keith being willing to work as hard as he did.  He was not willing to walk away from his family.  I know that God gave him(us) the strength to work through those difficult issues, but Keith/we had to be willing to step up and do the work.  God doesn’t force us to do anything. He provides the power to make the changes, but we have to be willing to receive the power God provides.  And I want to be very clear that had Keith not been willing, or had I not been willing to make those changes that we needed to, and to hang on to every shred of strength and power that God provided, this story would be very different.  So, for those of you out there who are dealing with the pain, loss and brokenness of your marriage, please don’t think that I feel like you’ve done something wrong.  Or that God wasn’t powerful enough for you.  I know it takes two – AND God!!!

I am happy to share with you that as of October, Keith has moved back home.  This has been a journey of ups and downs, and while I know we are only four months into him being home, I can tell you that this is a very different homecoming.  I have a new husband.  Oh, sure, he is the same man physically (okay, well maybe a few more wrinkles and grey hairs because of our journey), but he is different because his heart is different.  His heart has been healed of so many of the pains he had carried around with him for years.  And when Keith came home, he made a promise to all of us.  

First, he presented me with a certificate of a promise and covenant to remain sexual pure as witnessed between him and God, and then he presented a Covenant of Blessing to our family renouncing any past sexual sins and to claim a blessing of purity over our family.  This is a covenant he has made with God, first and foremost.  This is a proclamation he has made to God, and then to us of his commitment to God and to our family.  And I can tell you, that I have a trust in Keith like I have never had.  

Don’t get me wrong.  We are a long way from having a perfect family – since that doesn’t really exist.  But we are working on it.  We are working on it TOGETHER.  And it is truly because of God’s grace, and Keith’s love for us and his determination to become a better man of God for himself, and for us, that we are able to be a united family.  Oh, believe me, they aren’t all happy moments.  But we are a whole united family.  And I can only give God the praise for taking that unsure Abraham moment and turning it into a praise offering to Him.  

Finally. . . . 

One of the things that plagued me over the last few weeks before Keith moved back home, as well as early on in our separation was this question:  How do I know Keith won’t ever do this to us again?  I wrestled with this question often.  And sometimes still do.  But the short answer to this question is: I don’t know that!  And in those early months, that spelled F.E.A.R.  As I walked this journey, God continued to remind me that He had only asked me to do one thing.  And I’d done it.  And that was all.  He didn’t tell me what the end result would be.  He only said, “Obey me.”  And I think that is the biggest lesson that I am learning. . . . still learning.  That God usually doesn’t give us the big picture.  He just gives us the small “right now” picture.  And that’s all we are supposed to know or do.

I am a “get all my ducks in a row” kind of person, so this is a huge and difficult lesson for me.  I want to protect myself from any unnecessary pain and I want to make sure that everything is indeed “awesome”.  But God is teaching me that that is not my job.  It’s not my job to make everything right, or perfect, or awesome.  My job is simply to lean on Him and trust Him that He’s got this all.  I may not understand it.  I may not even like it at times.  But I am learning to just give it all over to Jesus.  Put it in His hands.  You will notice I said learnING because it is definitely a process!!  There are days I want to take everything back and protect my heart, my kids’ hearts, but it just isn’t my job.  I can give it all over to God and just wait for His next instructions.  The moment I take charge, I move away from God’s best for my life.  God says, “Follow me”, not “Charge ahead and expect me to make it better.” 

So today, I give my marriage to God.  I give my tentative heart to God.  I give my kids’ fragile hearts to God.  And I pray for protection.  For me.  For my kids’.  For Keith.  And I continually seek God to find out what He wants from me.  And believe me, friend, I fail at even that.  I DO often go charging off like a crazed elephant.  But God pulls me back and gently reminds me that HE is in charge.  It’s like the little child in a mall.  So excited by all the toys and exciting things that she runs forward with sheer determination to see it all at once.  And suddenly, as she looks around for her Momma, realizes she’s gone off by herself.  Panic sets in.  The joy disappears.  And just like that the excitement and exhilaration she’d felt is gone.  But just before the tears and wails begin, there she is!  Momma is right there.  And so, she stays so close.  Hanging onto her hand.  Staying just one step behind.  And friends, that’s where we need to be.  Hand in hand.  Letting God LEAD us.  Walking WITH us.  And so, I encourage you, as I do myself. . . . Let God lead you.  Let God lead me.  He knows what lies ahead and will steer us around it.  Or He may very well take us THROUGH it.  And on the other side, we will come out shining!  Because God took us there.  Together.  Leading.  Guiding.  So, let’s listen to where God is taking us.  Don’t charge ahead.  Don’t do it on our own.  Just listen.

And that’s how I deal with the question “How do I know this will last?” How do I know Keith won’t do this to us again? I don’t know.  But God does, and whatever happens, HE WILL TAKE ME THROUGH IT!!!