Thursday, 11 June 2015

I have a tween. . . . . .

Enough said.   I am sure.   For those of you who have gone through these wonderful, muddy 10 - 11 - 12 year old stages with your children, I am sure you understand.

I love my son.  I love him dearly.  He is our miracle that doctors told us would never happen.  He is our gift from God - Nathanael - his middle name - that's what it means GIVEN OF GOD!

But I have to be honest and some days I wonder.  I wonder what God was thinking!!  Is this a mean trick?  That precious bundle of baby boy joy. . . . where did he go? Don't get me wrong.  I'm not thinking of giving him back - well not most days anyway ;-)  But a gift from God is supposed to be easy right?  It's supposed to bring joy, not struggles.  Not arguments.  Not frustration.

So what to do?  What to do when I am faced with this son of mine whom I know not!!!  This little boy trying to come into his own.  Trying to navigate the waters of growing up.  What do I do with this little bundle of joy turned independent almost teenager?

Well, for the next two days, he stays home from school . . . with me.  Together we will try to figure out this crazy thing called growing up.  Together we will learn how to make better decisions.  Together we will read scripture in the hopes of God's Word speaking to Him rather than me ranting on and on.  Together we will meander these waters to figure out the path for this ever growing up bundle of baby boy joy.

And rather than reflect on the behaviours that keep him in my home these next two days, I will focus on the joys that he has brought me these past 11+ years.  Because in my heart of hearts, despite the anger, defiance, arrogant "know it all" attitude, he is my baby boy.  And I love him more than I did the day he was born.  he really is GIVEN OF GOD!!!


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