Tuesday, 23 September 2014

100 Days of Praise - Join me, won't you???

Here in Manitoba, we are enjoying a BEAUTIFUL fall weather.  This weather completely reminds me of fall at home in Ontario.  One of my favourite memories growing up was when we we go for fall walks.  We didn't really do big birthday parties in our family, so one thing that I did often ask for around the time of my birthday was if we could go walking on a trail near our farm.  I would invite my friend Janice to come along with our family and we would go for a Sunday walk through the bush.  The colours were always breathtaking with the sugar maples being in full colour.  There was a little pond along the way that we would sometimes stop at as well.  That was always a fall highlight for me!!

So hopefully you won't be too upset with me when I tell you that as of today, there are only 100 days left in 2014!!!  So, that means only 94 more days till Christmas. 

My motto for this year was BE MORE.  That has taken on a variety of meanings for me, but the main one has been BE MORE GRATEFUL.  Back in May my niece Karin started doing 100 happy days. Now for the average person it would take some dedication to post something happy for 100 days.  But what amazed me is that she and my nephew not only have a 3 year old daughter, but they also had just had twins.  It amazed me that she was able to share with us these 100 days of happiness besides all of her regular busyness!  I always looked forward to reading her thoughts!

A week ago, my sisters and brother challenged me to list 3 things that I was thankful for for 10 days.  As I realized that 2014 was slowly drawing to a close, I decided rather than do this for 10 days, I would take the lead from Karin and close out the year with 100 days of Praise.  I have so many things to be thankful for and I believe it honours God when we share them with others.  I won't nominate anyone to do this along with me, but wouldn't it be awesome if we could all take those few moments every day to share our moments of praise together? 

Join me won't you?  I do this on Facebook, so if you are interested in joining me via Facebook and I haven't friended you yet, message me and we can connect!!!

Let close out 2014 praising God!!!!!

Fall colours at our lake

Nothing like a fall sunset at the lake

Ready for fall harvest near Keith's parents in Saskatchewan

A Hutterite Crew ready for fall harvest near Main Center, SK

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