Thursday, 10 July 2014

What are YOU doing with your spare time?

Over the last couple of days, I've been thinking about what I do with my spare time.  How can I better utilize my time when I'm waiting for someone or something.  When the kids were in school, the times I spent waiting to pick them up, I tried to spend memorizing scripture.  However, over the last several weeks, there have been no kids to pick up.

So today, my son and I went out for breakfast (from Tim Horton's of course!) and sat in the library parking lot eating until it opened.  As we watched people wander by, I shared with him something that I used to do in the past.  I had done it early on when I was young, and then when we were on a Missions Trip found someone else who did the same thing.

Often, as I sat and watched people, I would often look them over and try to imagine what kind of job they would hold. Who they were and what they did.  Obviously as we sat and watched moms with children it was an easy call. She's a stay at home mom.  A gentleman in what looked like barn clothes walked by and yet he was carrying a briefcase as he walked into the library.  Peyton and I had varying ideas as to what he might do for a job!  It is always entertaining to hear what the other person thinks as compared to what I was imagining.

Once Peyton had gone inside, I was thinking that as I waited for him, I would put in some time and check out Facebook, or Pinterest. But suddenly, I was prompted to start praying for the people that I saw walking by.  I saw a friend and coworker of Keith's biking away from his family on his way to work.  So I prayed for them.  I prayed for their children. I prayed for his wife as she mothered her three kids while he was away at work. I prayed for their relationship that God would honour their dedication to each other. I saw a father get out of his car with 2 younger children and head over to the play structure. I prayed that he would be a caring and loving father to his two kids.  And that God would bring someone into his day that showed him Jesus. I saw a momma with her young child playing on the play structure and blowing bubbles together. I prayed for patience and joy for her.  Safety for the little one. I saw an elderly gentleman park in the wheelchair parking spot and slowly make his way towards the library doors.  I prayed for safety.  I prayed for strength throughout his day.  I prayed for someone to bring joy to his day.  And for each person I saw, I thanked God for bringing them into my day because by being able to pray for them, it brought me joy.

It was so easy.  It was so uplifting to spend that time praying for those people that didn't have a clue I was watching.  It was so refreshing to bring them to God rather than "waste" my time staring down at the phone. In fact, I really liked the fact that they didn't even know that they were being brought before God right there as they did their every day things.  And it was all so easy for me to do.

I challenge you to look around you to see what you can see.  How can you change someone else's life by taking an interest in them?  Who is God calling you to share with?  Who is God calling you to connect with?  Who can you pray for?  How can you focus on others in your spare time, rather than using the time for yourself?

I can say even a couple hours later as I've thought about the people I watched today, I thank God that He brought them to my mind.  And I pray for them.  Specifically for those I knew, but also for the others.  As God brings people to my mind, am I letting them drift away, or am I taking the time to bring them before God?  When you see a post or text from someone, take the time to pray for them.  When you pass someone on the road, pray for them.  AND if you see someone in the store, stop to say hello.  Bless them with your time.

Imagine what Jesus would have done when He passed you.  Would He have been absorbed in His own thoughts, or would He take the time to notice and care for those around Him?  Let's all try to be a little more like Him in our daily contacts with other!!!

I'm going to take on that challenge. . . . will you join me?

I would just like to share this video that I came across the other day.  It certainly made me think about all I do in my spare time!

May YOU be blessed today as you take the time to look at those around you and bring them to God!

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